Heritage Honey have been running our highly successful Beekeeping courses for around 3 years. The course is extensive and runs for 6 evening sessions on Tuesday and Thursday nights, 6.30pm until 8.30pm PLUS two practical sessions on Sundays which last approx 3 hours. The course covers the many choices of equipment available, natural history of the honeybee, hive and frame construction, hive management and swarm control, disease identification and control, extracting and preparation of honey for sale. DUE TO COVID 19 RESTRICTIONS COURSE NUMBERS ARE RESTRICTED, SO PLEASE CALL (03 6200 9572) OR EMAIL norriep@bigpond.net.au IF YOU ARE KEEN TO FIND OUT DATES AND SECURE A PLACE ON A COURSE.
The course is run by Peter Norris who has 35 years experience keeping bees both in the UK and Australia.
Due to the varying size and weight of beekeeping equipment, we request that you call us on (03) 6200 9572 so that we can arrange the best method for your delivery.