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We are proud of the Tasmanian Honey that we produce. Below are some of the awards that our honey has received.
Tasmanian Beekeepers Association
Winner Gordon Lee Trophy – first aggregate points all classes.
Winner Rube Charles Memorial Trophy for Worlds Best Leatherwood
1st place Hard candy fine grain – Ian Robert Stephens Memorial Prize
1st place Soft Set Honey
1st place Beeswax
1st place native flora [blue gum]
2nd place creamed honey
3rd place introduced flora
Third National Bee Congress
3rd place White Honey
3rd place Hard Candied Fine Grain
Tasmanian Beekeepers Association
Runner up Rube Charles Memorial Trophy for Worlds Best Leatherwood
2nd Native Flora
1st Hard Candy
2nd Creamed Honey
Tasmanian Beekeepers Association
Winner Rube Charles Memorial Trophy for Worlds Best Leatherwood
Runner up Rube Charles Memorial Trophy for Worlds Best Leatherwood
National Honey Show Sydney
First – Natural Granulation [Leatherwood]
First – Overall Classes 11 to 17
Tasmanian Beekeepers Association
Winner Rube Charles Memorial Trophy for Worlds Best Leatherwood
Gordon Lee Trophy – equal first aggregate points all classes.
Tasmanian fine food awards
Medals – 3 Gold, 1 silver
National Honey Show Sydney
First – Natural Granulation [Blue Gum]
Tasmanian fine food awards
Minister for Primary Industry award for Organic Excellence
Medals – 1Gold, 3 Silver
Tasmanian fine food awards
record 9 gold medals from 9 entries
Tasmanian fine food awards
Minister for Primary Industry award for Organic Excellence
Medals – 4 Gold, 1 Silver
Tasmanian fine food awards
Minister for Primary Industry award for Organic Excellence
Medals 1Gold, 5 Silver
Tasmanian fine food awards
Richard Langdon Trophy for best in show
Minister for Primary Industry award for Organic Excellence
Wrest Point Trophy
Best any other product
Medals – 2 Gold
Tasmanian fine food awards
Minister for Primary Industry award for Organic Excellence
Medals – 2 Gold